Because a lot of my mappings use the <Leader> key, this is the only file that *must* be loaded before all the others, otherwise the value of leader when the script is read will be erroneous. I also tried to use `git write-tree` and `git commit-tree` to emulate a manual octopus merge to preserve the line history for each file. But honestly that gave a graph that was too ugly for a history that really did not need that amount of accountability. However it is a fun exercise, and I recommend to everyone to try it at least once. See Raymond Chen's blog `The Old New Thing`, with the post titled `How to split out pieces of a file while preserving git line history: The hard way with commit-tree`, for an explanation.
21 lines
650 B
21 lines
650 B
" Only git-tracked files, Vim needs to be in a Git repository
nnoremap <Leader>fg :GFiles<CR>
" All files
nnoremap <Leader>ff :Files<CR>
" Currently open buffers
nnoremap <Leader>fb :Buffers<CR>
" Buffer history
nnoremap <Leader>fh :History<CR>
" Tags in buffer
nnoremap <Leader>ft :BTags<CR>
" Tags in all project files
nnoremap <Leader>fT :Tags<CR>
" Snippets for the current fileytpe (using Ultisnips)
nnoremap <Leader>fs :Snippets<CR>
" All available commands
nnoremap <Leader>f: :Commands<CR>
" All commits (using fugitive)
nnoremap <Leader>fc :Commits<CR>
" All commits for the current buffer (using fugitive)
nnoremap <Leader>fC :BCommits<CR>