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Union Find 2024-06-24T21:07:49+01:00 false My favorite data structure
data structures
Cool algorithms
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To kickoff the [series]({{< ref "/series/cool-algorithms/">}}) of posts about algorithms and data structures I find interesting, I will be talking about my favorite one: the Disjoint Set. Also known as the Union-Find data structure, so named because of its two main operations: ds.union(lhs, rhs) and ds.find(elem).

What does it do?

The Union-Find data structure allows one to store a collection of sets of elements, with operations for adding new sets, merging two sets into one, and finding the representative member of a set. Not only does it do all that, but it does it in almost constant (amortized) time!

Here is a small motivating example for using the Disjoint Set data structure:

def connected_components(graph: Graph) -> list[set[Node]]:
    # Initialize the disjoint set so that each node is in its own set
    ds: DisjointSet[Node] = DisjointSet(graph.nodes)
    # Each edge is a connection, merge both sides into the same set
    for (start, dest) in graph.edges:
        ds.union(start, dest)
    # Connected components share the same (arbitrary) root
    components: dict[Node, set[Node]] = defaultdict(set)
    for n in graph.nodes:
    # Return a list of disjoint sets corresponding to each connected component
    return list(components.values())


I will show how to implement UnionFind for integers, though it can easily be extended to be used with arbitrary types (e.g: by mapping each element one-to-one to a distinct integer, or using a different set representation).


Creating a new disjoint set is easy enough:

class UnionFind:
    _parent: list[int]
    _rank: list[int]

    def __init__(self, size: int):
        # Each node is in its own set, making it its own parent...
        self._parents = list(range(size))
        # ... And its rank 0
        self._rank = [0] * size

We represent each set through the _parent field: each element of the set is linked to its parent, until the root node which is its own parent. When first initializing the structure, each element is in its own set, so we initialize each element to be a root and make it its own parent (_parent[i] == i for all i).

The _rank field is an optimization which we will touch on in a later section.