# I don't care about masking `local` return value # shellcheck disable=2155 # Exit early if non-interactive [[ -o interactive ]] || return if [ -z "$SSH_CLIENT" ]; then : # Keep executing if we're graphical elif [ "${DONE_ALLOW_NONGRAPHICAL:-0}" -ne 0 ] && (( ${+functions[done_send_notification]} )); then : # Or if the user really wants us to else # Exit early if otherwise return fi : "${DONE_MIN_CMD_DURATION=5}" : "${DONE_EXCLUDE=}" : "${DONE_NOTIFY_SOUND=0}" : "${DONE_NOTIFICATION_URGENCY_LEVEL=normal}" : "${DONE_NOTIFICATION_URGENCY_LEVEL_FAILURE=critical}" : "${DONE_SWAY_IGNORE_VISIBLE=0}" # functions: done_format_title, done_format_message, done_send_notification # EPOCHSECONDS is faster than using `date` zmodload zsh/datetime # Necessary to add the hooks autoload -U add-zsh-hook __done_get_focused_window_id() { if (( ${+commands[lsappinfo]} )); then lsappinfo info -only bundleID "$(lsappinfo front)" | cut -d '"' -f4 elif [ -n "$SWAYSOCK" ] && (( ${+commands[jq]} )); then swaymsg --type get_tree | jq '.. | objects | select(.focused == true) | .id' elif [ "$XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP" = gnome ] && (( ${+commands[gdbus]} )); then gdbus call \ --session \ --dest org.gnome.Shell \ --object-path /org/gnome/Shell \ --method org.gnome.Shell.Eval 'global.display.focus_window.get_id()' elif (( ${+commands[xprop]} )) && [ -n "$DISPLAY" ] && xprop -grammar &>/dev/null; then xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2 fi } __done_is_tmux_window_active() { local pid="$$" local tmux_pid while true; do tmux_pid="$(ps -o ppid= -p "$pid")" tmux_pid="$((tmux_pid))" # Trick to get rid of whitespace from `ps` output # Stop once `tmux_pid` is actually tmux case "$(basename "$(ps -o command= -p "$tmux_pid")")" in tmux*) break ;; esac pid="$tmux_pid" done # Window is considered active only if the session is attached tmux list-panes -a -F "#{session_attached} #{window_active} #{pane_pid}" | grep -q "1 1 $pid" } __done_is_screen_window_active() { screen -ls | grep -q -E "$STY\s+\(Attached" } __done_is_process_window_focused() { # Send notification for every command in non-graphical environment if [ "$DONE_ALLOW_NONGRAPHICAL" -ne 0 ]; then return 1 fi local current_window_id="$(__done_get_focused_window_id)" if [ "$DONE_SWAY_IGNORE_VISIBLE" -ne 0 ] && [ -n "$SWAYSOCK" ] && (( ${+commands[jq]} )); then local is_visible="$(swaymsg -t get_tree | jq ".. | objects | select(.id == $__done_initial_window_id) | .visible")" [ "$is_visible" = "true" ] return $? elif [ "$current_window_id" != "$__done_initial_window_id" ]; then return 1 fi if (( ${+commands[tmux]} )) && [ -n "$TMUX" ]; then __done_is_tmux_window_active return $? fi if (( ${+commands[screen]} )) && [ -n "$STY" ]; then __done_is_screen_window_active return $? fi return 0 } __done_humanize_duration() { local seconds=$(($1 % 60)) local minutes=$(($1 / 60)) local hours=$(($1 / 60 / 60)) if [ "$hours" -gt 0 ]; then printf '%sh ' "$hours" fi if [ "$minutes" -gt 0 ]; then printf '%sm ' "$minutes" fi if [ "$seconds" -gt 0 ]; then printf '%ss' "$seconds" fi } __done_do_bell() { if [ "$DONE_NOTIFY_SOUND" -ne 0 ]; then printf "\a" fi } __done_is_ignored_command() { if [ -z "$DONE_EXCLUDE" ]; then return 1 fi # shellcheck disable=2154 printf '%s' "$__done_last_command" | grep -q -v -P "$DONE_EXCLUDE" } __done_notify() { local exit_status="$1" local title="$2" local message="$3" if (( ${+functions[done_send_notification]} )); then done_send_notification "$exit_status" "$title" "$message" __done_do_bell elif (( ${+commands[terminal-notifier]} )); then local sound=() if [ "$DONE_NOTIFY_SOUND" -ne 0 ]; then sound=(-sound default) fi terminal-notifier \ -message "$message" \ -title "$title" \ -sender "$__done_initial_window_id" \ "${sound[@]}" elif (( ${+commands[osascript]} )); then osascript -e "display notification \"$message\" with title \"$title\"" __done_do_bell elif (( ${+commands[notify-send]} )); then local urgency="${DONE_NOTIFICATION_URGENCY_LEVEL}" if [ "$exit_status" -ne 0 ]; then urgency="${DONE_NOTIFICATION_URGENCY_LEVEL_FAILURE}" fi notify-send \ --hint=int:transient:1 \ --urgency="$urgency" \ --icon=utilities-terminal \ --app-name=zsh \ "$title" "$message" __done_do_bell elif (( ${+commands[notify-desktop]} )); then local urgency="${DONE_NOTIFICATION_URGENCY_LEVEL}" if [ "$exit_status" -ne 0 ]; then urgency="${DONE_NOTIFICATION_URGENCY_LEVEL_FAILURE}" fi notify-desktop \ --urgency="$urgency" \ --icon=utilities-terminal \ --app-name=zsh \ "$title" "$message" __done_do_bell else # Fallback to bell when nothing else is available printf "\a" fi } __done_format_title() { local exit_status="$1" local cmd_duration="$2" local last_command="$3" if (( ${+functions[done_format_title]} )); then done_format_title "$exit_status" "$cmd_duration" "$last_command" else local humanized_duration="$(__done_humanize_duration "$cmd_duration")" local title="Done in $humanized_duration" if [ "$exit_status" -ne 0 ]; then title="Failed ($exit_status) after $humanized_duration" fi printf '%s' "$title" fi } __done_format_message() { local exit_status="$1" local cmd_duration="$2" local last_command="$3" if (( ${+functions[done_format_message]} )); then done_format_message "$exit_status" "$cmd_duration" "$last_command" else local wd="${PWD/$HOME/~}" local message="$wd/ $last_command" printf '%s' "$message" fi } __done_started() { __done_initial_window_id="$(__done_get_focused_window_id)" __done_timestamp="$EPOCHSECONDS" __done_last_command="${1:-$2}" } add-zsh-hook preexec __done_started __done_ended() { : "${__done_timestamp:=$EPOCHSECONDS}" # fix the value on first source local exit_status="$?" local cmd_duration=$((EPOCHSECONDS - __done_timestamp)) if [ "$cmd_duration" -gt "$DONE_MIN_CMD_DURATION" ] && ! __done_is_process_window_focused && ! __done_is_ignored_command; then local format_args=("$exit_status" "$cmd_duration" "$__done_last_command") local title="$(__done_format_title "${format_args[@]}")" local message="$(__done_format_message "${format_args[@]}")" __done_notify "$exit_status" "$title" "$message" fi } add-zsh-hook precmd __done_ended