let var a := exit(0) /* ^ function.builtin */ primitive exit(ret: int) /* Shadowing the prelude-included built-in */ /* ^ type.builtin */ var b := exit(0) /* ^ function */ type int = string /* Shadowing the built-in type */ /* ^ type.builtin */ var c : int := "This is an \"int\"" /* ^ type.builtin (not sure why it isn't 'type')*/ var d : Object := nil /* ^ type.builtin */ type Object = int in let var c : int := "This is an int" /* ^ type.builtin (not sure why it isn't 'type')*/ var d : Object := "This is an object" /* ^ type.builtin (not sure why it isn't 'type')*/ in end; exit(1); /* <- function */ print("shadowing is fun"); /* <- function.builtin */ b := print /* ^ variable */ end