function commaSeparatedOptTrailing(elem) { return seq(elem, repeat(seq(",", elem)), optional(",")) } function commaSeparatedNoTrailing(elem) { return seq(elem, repeat(seq(",", elem))) } function commaSeparatedTrailing(elem) { return repeat(seq(elem, ",")) } module.exports = grammar({ name: "bp", extras: ($) => [ /\s+/, $.comment, ], rules: { source_file: ($) => repeat($._definition), _definition: ($) => choice( $.assignment, $.module, ), comment: (_) => choice( seq("//", /(\\+(.|\r?\n)|[^\\\n])*/), seq("/*", /[^*]*\*+([^/*][^*]*\*+)*/, "/"), ), // Definitions {{{ assignment: ($) => seq( field("left", $.identifier), field("operator", alias(choice("=", "+="), $.operator)), field("right", $._expr), ), module: ($) => choice( $._old_module, $._new_module, ), // This syntax is deprecated, but still accepted _old_module: ($) => seq( field("type", $.identifier), "{", optional(commaSeparatedOptTrailing( alias(field("property", $._colon_property), $.property) )), "}", ), _new_module: ($) => seq( field("type", $.identifier), "(", optional(commaSeparatedOptTrailing( alias(field("property", $._equal_property), $.property) )), ")", ), // }}} // Expressions {{{ _expr: ($) => choice( // Literals $.identifier, $.boolean_literal, $.integer_literal, $._string_literal, // Conditionals $.select_expression, // Composites $.list_expression, $.map_expression, // Operators $.binary_expression, ), // The Blueprint scanner makes use of Go's lexer, so copy their rule identifier: (_) => /[_\p{XID_Start}][_\p{XID_Continue}]*/, boolean_literal: (_) => choice("true", "false"), integer_literal: (_) => seq(optional("-"), /[0-9]+/), // The Blueprint scanner makes use of Go's lexer, so copy their rule _string_literal: ($) => choice( $.raw_string_literal, $.interpreted_string_literal, ), raw_string_literal: (_) => token(seq( "`", /[^`]+/, "`", )), interpreted_string_literal: $ => seq( '"', repeat(choice( // Allow all characters without special meaning, disallow newlines /[^"\n\\]+/, $.escape_sequence, )), token.immediate('"'), ), escape_sequence: (_) => token.immediate(seq( '\\', choice( /[^xuU]/, /\d{2,3}/, /x[0-9a-fA-F]{2,}/, /u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}/, /U[0-9a-fA-F]{8}/, ), )), select_expression: ($) => seq( "select", "(", $.select_value, ",", $.select_cases, ")", ), select_value: ($) => choice( $.condition, seq("(", commaSeparatedOptTrailing($.condition), ")"), ), condition: ($) => seq( field("name", $.identifier), "(", field("arguments", optional(commaSeparatedNoTrailing($._string_literal))), ")", ), select_cases: ($) => seq( "{", optional(commaSeparatedTrailing($.select_case)), "}", ), select_case: ($) => seq( field("pattern", $.select_pattern), ":", field("value", $._case_value) ), select_pattern: ($) => choice( $._select_pattern, seq("(", commaSeparatedOptTrailing($._select_pattern), ")"), ), _select_pattern: ($) => choice( $._string_literal, $.boolean_literal, alias("default", $.default), ), _case_value: ($) => choice( alias("unset", $.unset), $._expr, ), list_expression: ($) => seq( "[", optional(commaSeparatedOptTrailing(field("element", $._expr))), "]", ), map_expression: ($) => seq( "{", optional(commaSeparatedOptTrailing( alias(field("property", $._colon_property), $.property) )), "}", ), binary_expression: ($) => prec.left(seq( field("left", $._expr), field("operator", alias("+", $.operator)), field("right", $._expr), )), // }}} // Properties {{{ _colon_property: ($) => seq( field("field", $.identifier), ":", field("value", $._expr), ), _equal_property: ($) => seq( field("field", $.identifier), "=", field("value", $._expr), ), // }}} } }); // vim: foldmethod=marker sw=2