mod generation; pub(super) use generation::*; mod mask; use crate::board::{Bitboard, Square}; /// A type representing the magic board indexing a given [crate::board::Square]. #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub(super) struct Magic { /// Magic number. pub(self) magic: u64, /// Base offset into the magic square table. pub(self) offset: usize, /// Mask to apply to the blocker board before applying the magic. pub(self) mask: Bitboard, /// Length of the resulting mask after applying the magic. pub(self) shift: u8, } impl Magic { /// Compute the index into the magics database for this set of `blockers`. pub fn get_index(&self, blockers: Bitboard) -> usize { let relevant_occupancy = (blockers & self.mask).0; let base_index = ((relevant_occupancy.wrapping_mul(self.magic)) >> self.shift) as usize; base_index + self.offset } } /// A type encapsulating a database of [Magic] bitboard moves. #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub(crate) struct MagicMoves { magics: Vec, moves: Vec, } impl MagicMoves { /// Initialize a new [MagicMoves] given a matching list of [Magic] and its corresponding moves /// as a [Bitboard]. /// /// # Safety /// /// This should only be called with values generated by [crate::movegen::wizardry::generation]. pub unsafe fn new(magics: Vec, moves: Vec) -> Self { Self { magics, moves } } /// Get the set of valid moves for a piece standing on a [Square], given a set of blockers. pub fn query(&self, square: Square, blockers: Bitboard) -> Bitboard { // SAFETY: indices are in range by construction unsafe { let index = self .magics .get_unchecked(square.index()) .get_index(blockers); *self.moves.get_unchecked(index) } } } // region:sourcegen /// A set of magic numbers for bishop move generation. pub(crate) const BISHOP_SEED: [u64; Square::NUM_VARIANTS] = [ 4908958787341189172, 1157496606860279808, 289395876198088778, 649648646467355137, 19162426089930848, 564067194896448, 18586170375029026, 9185354800693760, 72172012436987968, 317226351607872, 2597178509285688384, 1162205282238464, 144154788211329152, 172197832046936160, 4625762105940000802, 1477217245166903296, 2251937789583872, 289373902621379585, 4616200855845409024, 2251909637357568, 3532510975437640064, 563517968228352, 562953309660434, 1196005458310201856, 2350914225914520576, 2287018679861376, 13836188353273790593, 11267795163676832, 297519119119499264, 18588344158519552, 10453428171813953792, 72128237668534272, 1298164929055953920, 865575144395900952, 9293076573325312, 108104018148197376, 578503662094123152, 4665870505495102224, 6066493872259301520, 285877477613857, 2328941618281318466, 721165292771739652, 4899973577790523400, 75050392749184, 2305878200632215680, 11530099074925593616, 290561512873919880, 18652187227888000, 3379933716168704, 9223409493537718272, 22273835729926, 1152921524003672064, 4647812741240848385, 1244225087719112712, 7367907171013001728, 9263922034316951570, 300758214358598160, 4611686331973636096, 2377900605806479360, 6958097192913601024, 864691130877743617, 703824948904066, 612700674899317536, 180742128018784384, ]; /// A set of magic numbers for rook move generation. pub(crate) const ROOK_SEED: [u64; Square::NUM_VARIANTS] = [ 2341871943948451840, 18015635528220736, 72066665545773824, 1188959097794342912, 12141713393631625314, 720649693658353672, 36029896538981888, 36033359356363520, 140746619355268, 1158339898446446661, 36591886560003650, 578853633228023808, 2392554490300416, 140814806160384, 180706952366596608, 10696087878779396, 1153260703948210820, 310748649170673678, 36311372044308544, 9223444604757615104, 1267187285230592, 282574622818306, 18722484274726152, 2271591090110593, 1153063519847989248, 10168327557107712, 4507998211276833, 1153203035420233728, 4631961017139660032, 2454499182462107776, 289367288355753288, 18015815850820609, 9268726066908758912, 11547264697673728000, 2314929519368081536, 140943655192577, 20266215511427202, 180706969441535248, 1302683805944911874, 11534000122299940994, 22676602724843520, 4639271120198041668, 1302104069046927376, 9184220895313928, 4612249105954373649, 562984581726212, 2312678200579457040, 4647736876550193157, 3170604524138139776, 4684447574787096704, 20283792725901696, 1152992019380963840, 117383863558471808, 1153488854922068096, 17596884583424, 90074759127192064, 4900502436426416706, 4573968656793901, 1161084564408385, 1657887889314811910, 4614501455660058690, 4612530729109422081, 642458506527236, 1116704154754, ]; // endregion:sourcegen #[cfg(test)] mod test { use std::fmt::Write as _; use super::*; // A simple XOR-shift RNG implementation. struct SimpleRng(u64); impl SimpleRng { pub fn new() -> Self { Self(4) // } } impl RandGen for SimpleRng { fn gen(&mut self) -> u64 { self.0 ^= self.0 >> 12; self.0 ^= self.0 << 25; self.0 ^= self.0 >> 27; self.0 } } #[test] fn rng() { let mut rng = SimpleRng::new(); assert_eq!(rng.gen(), 134217733); assert_eq!(rng.gen(), 4504699139039237); assert_eq!(rng.gen(), 13512173405898766); assert_eq!(rng.gen(), 9225626310854853124); assert_eq!(rng.gen(), 29836777971867270); } fn split_twice<'a>( text: &'a str, start_marker: &str, end_marker: &str, ) -> Option<(&'a str, &'a str, &'a str)> { let (prefix, rest) = text.split_once(start_marker)?; let (mid, suffix) = rest.split_once(end_marker)?; Some((prefix, mid, suffix)) } fn array_string(piece_type: &str, values: &[Magic]) -> Result { let mut res = String::new(); writeln!( &mut res, "/// A set of magic numbers for {} move generation.", piece_type )?; writeln!( &mut res, "pub(crate) const {}_SEED: [u64; Square::NUM_VARIANTS] = [", piece_type.to_uppercase() )?; for magic in values { writeln!(&mut res, " {},", magic.magic)?; } writeln!(&mut res, "];")?; Ok(res) } #[test] #[ignore = "slow"] // Regenerates the magic bitboard numbers. fn regen_magic_seeds() { // We only care about the magics, the moves can be recomputed at runtime ~cheaply. let (bishop_magics, _) = generate_bishop_magics(&mut SimpleRng::new()); let (rook_magics, _) = generate_rook_magics(&mut SimpleRng::new()); let original_text = std::fs::read_to_string(file!()).unwrap(); let bishop_array = array_string("bishop", &bishop_magics[..]).unwrap(); let rook_array = array_string("rook", &rook_magics[..]).unwrap(); let new_text = { let start_marker = "// region:sourcegen\n"; let end_marker = "// endregion:sourcegen\n"; let (prefix, _, suffix) = split_twice(&original_text, start_marker, end_marker).unwrap(); format!("{prefix}{start_marker}{bishop_array}\n{rook_array}{end_marker}{suffix}") }; if new_text != original_text { std::fs::write(file!(), new_text).unwrap(); panic!("source was not up-to-date") } } }