import enum import gdb import gdb.printing def optional(constructor, val): try: return constructor(val["Some"]["__0"]) except gdb.error: return None def print_opt(val): return "(None)" if val is None else str(val) class Square(object): """ Python representation of a 'seer::board::square::Square' raw value. """ FILES = list(map(lambda n: chr(ord("A") + n), range(8))) RANKS = list(map(lambda n: str(n + 1), range(8))) def __init__(self, val): if isinstance(val, Square): val = val._val self._val = val @classmethod def from_gdb(cls, val): return cls(int(val)) @classmethod def from_file_rank(cls, file, rank): return cls(file * 8 + rank) def __str__(self): return self.FILES[self.file] + self.RANKS[self.rank] @property def rank(self): return int(self._val) % 8 @property def file(self): return int(self._val) // 8 class Bitboard(object): """ Python representation of a 'seer::board::bitboard::Bitboard' raw value. """ def __init__(self, val): if isinstance(val, Bitboard): val = val._val self._val = val @classmethod def from_gdb(cls, val): return cls(int(val["__0"])) def __str__(self): return "[" + ", ".join(map(str, self.squares)) + "]" def at(self, square): return bool(self._val & (1 << square._val)) @property def squares(self): n = self._val while n: b = n & (~n + 1) yield Square(b.bit_length() - 1) n ^= b class CastleRights(enum.IntEnum): """ Python representation of a 'seer::board::castle_rights::CastleRights' raw value. """ # Should be kept in sync with the enum in `` NO_SIDE = 0 KING_SIDE = 1 QUEEN_SIDE = 2 BOTH_SIDES = 3 @classmethod def from_gdb(cls, val): return cls(int(val)) def __str__(self): return"_", "") class Color(enum.IntEnum): """ Python representation of a 'seer::board::color::Color' raw value. """ # Should be kept in sync with the enum in `` WHITE = 0 BLACK = 1 @classmethod def from_gdb(cls, val): return cls(int(val)) def __str__(self): return class File(enum.IntEnum): """ Python representation of a 'seer::board::file::File' raw value. """ # Should be kept in sync with the enum in `` A = 0 B = 1 C = 2 D = 3 E = 4 F = 5 G = 6 H = 7 @classmethod def from_gdb(cls, val): return cls(int(val)) def __str__(self): return class Rank(enum.IntEnum): """ Python representation of a 'seer::board::rank::Rank' raw value. """ # Should be kept in sync with the enum in `` First = 0 Second = 1 Third = 2 Fourth = 3 Fifth = 4 Sixth = 5 Seventh = 6 Eighth = 7 @classmethod def from_gdb(cls, val): return cls(int(val)) def __str__(self): return class Piece(enum.IntEnum): """ Python representation of a 'seer::board::piece::Piece' raw value. """ # Should be kept in sync with the enum in `` KING = 0 QUEEN = 1 ROOK = 2 BISHOP = 3 KNIGHT = 4 PAWN = 5 @classmethod def from_gdb(cls, val): return cls(int(val)) def __str__(self): return class Move(object): """ Wrapper around GDB's representation of a 'seer::board::move::Move' in memory. """ # Should be kept in sync with the values in `` PIECE_SHIFT = 0 PIECE_MASK = 0b111 START_SHIFT = 3 START_MASK = 0b11_1111 DESTINATION_SHIFT = 9 DESTINATION_MASK = 0b11_1111 CAPTURE_SHIFT = 15 CAPTURE_MASK = 0b111 PROMOTION_SHIFT = 18 PROMOTION_MASK = 0b111 EN_PASSANT_SHIFT = 21 EN_PASSANT_MASK = 0b1 DOUBLE_STEP_SHIFT = 22 DOUBLE_STEP_MASK = 0b1 CASTLING_SHIFT = 23 CASTLING_MASK = 0b1 def __init__(self, val): self._val = val @classmethod def from_gdb(cls, val): return cls(int(val)) @property def piece(self): return Piece(self._val >> self.PIECE_SHIFT & self.PIECE_MASK) @property def start(self): return Square(self._val >> self.START_SHIFT & self.START_MASK) @property def destination(self): return Square(self._val >> self.DESTINATION_SHIFT & self.DESTINATION_MASK) @property def capture(self): index = self._val >> self.CAPTURE_SHIFT & self.CAPTURE_MASK if index == 7: return None return Piece(index) @property def promotion(self): index = self._val >> self.PROMOTION_SHIFT & self.PROMOTION_MASK if index == 7: return None return Piece(index) @property def en_passant(self): return bool(self._val >> self.EN_PASSANT_SHIFT & self.EN_PASSANT_MASK) @property def double_step(self): return bool(self._val >> self.DOUBLE_STEP_SHIFT & self.DOUBLE_STEP_MASK) @property def castling(self): return bool(self._val >> self.CASTLING_SHIFT & self.CASTLING_MASK) def __str__(self): KEYS = [ "piece", "start", "destination", "capture", "promotion", "en_passant", "double_step", "castling", ] indent = lambda s: " " + s values = [key + ": " + print_opt(getattr(self, key)) + ",\n" for key in KEYS] return "Move{\n" + "".join(map(indent, values)) + "}" class ChessBoard(object): """ Wrapper around GDB's representation of a 'seer::board::chess_board::ChessBoard' in memory. """ def __init__( self, piece_occupancy, color_occupancy, castle_rights, half_move_clock, total_plies, side, en_passant, ): self._piece_occupancy = list(map(Bitboard, piece_occupancy)) self._color_occupancy = list(map(Bitboard, color_occupancy)) self._castle_rights = list(map(CastleRights, castle_rights)) self._half_move_clock = int(half_move_clock) self._total_plies = int(total_plies) self._side = Color(side) self._en_passant = None if en_passant is None else Square(en_passant) @classmethod def from_gdb(cls, val): return cls( [Bitboard.from_gdb(val["piece_occupancy"][p]) for p in Piece], [Bitboard.from_gdb(val["color_occupancy"][c]) for c in Color], [CastleRights.from_gdb(val["castle_rights"][c]) for c in Color], int(val["half_move_clock"]), int(val["total_plies"]), Color.from_gdb(val["side"]), optional(Square.from_gdb, val["en_passant"]), ) def at(self, square): for piece in Piece: if not self._piece_occupancy[piece].at(square): continue for color in Color: if not self._color_occupancy[color].at(square): continue return (piece, color) return None def pretty_str(self): def pretty_piece(piece, color): return [ ("♚", "♔"), ("♛", "♕"), ("♜", "♖"), ("♝", "♗"), ("♞", "♘"), ("♟", "♙"), ][piece][color] board = [ [, rank)) for file in File] for rank in Rank ] res = [] res.append(" A B C D E F G H ") for n, line in reversed(list(enumerate(board, start=1))): strings = [str(n) + " "] strings.extend(" " if p is None else pretty_piece(*p) for p in line) strings.append(" " + str(n)) res.append("|".join(strings)) res.append(" A B C D E F G H ") res += [ "Half-move clock: " + str(self._half_move_clock), "Total plies: " + str(self._total_plies), "Side to play: " + str(self._side), "En passant: " + print_opt(self._en_passant), ] return "\n".join(res) class SquarePrinter(object): "Print a seer::board::square::Square" def __init__(self, val): self._val = Square.from_gdb(val) def to_string(self): return str(self._val) class BitboardPrinter(object): "Print a seer::board::bitboard::Bitboard" def __init__(self, val): self._val = Bitboard.from_gdb(val) def to_string(self): return "Bitboard{" + str(self._val)[1:-1] + "}" class CastleRightsPrinter(object): "Print a seer::board::castle_rights::CastleRights" def __init__(self, val): self._val = CastleRights.from_gdb(val) def to_string(self): return str(self._val) class ColorPrinter(object): "Print a seer::board::color::Color" def __init__(self, val): self._val = Color.from_gdb(val) def to_string(self): return str(self._val) class FilePrinter(object): "Print a seer::board::file::File" def __init__(self, val): self._val = File.from_gdb(val) def to_string(self): return str(self._val) class RankPrinter(object): "Print a seer::board::rank::Rank" def __init__(self, val): self._val = Rank.from_gdb(val) def to_string(self): return str(self._val) class PiecePrinter(object): "Print a seer::board::piece::Piece" def __init__(self, val): self._val = Piece.from_gdb(val) def to_string(self): return str(self._val) class MovePrinter(object): "Print a seer::board::move::Move" def __init__(self, val): self._val = Move.from_gdb(val) def to_string(self): return str(self._val) class PrintBoard(gdb.Command): """ Pretty-print a 'seer::board::chess_board::ChessBoard' as a 2D textual chess board. """ def __init__(self): super(PrintBoard, self).__init__( "print-board", gdb.COMMAND_USER, gdb.COMPLETE_EXPRESSION ) def invoke(self, arg, from_tty): board = ChessBoard.from_gdb(gdb.parse_and_eval(arg)) print(board.pretty_str()) def build_pretty_printer(): pp = gdb.printing.RegexpCollectionPrettyPrinter('seer') pp.add_printer('Square', '^seer::board::square::Square$', SquarePrinter) pp.add_printer('Bitboard', '^seer::board::bitboard::Bitboard$', BitboardPrinter) pp.add_printer('CastleRights', '^seer::board::castle_rights::CastleRights$', CastleRightsPrinter) pp.add_printer('Color', '^seer::board::color::Color$', ColorPrinter) pp.add_printer('File', '^seer::board::file::File$', FilePrinter) pp.add_printer('Rank', '^seer::board::rank::Rank$', RankPrinter) pp.add_printer('Piece', '^seer::board::piece::Piece$', ColorPrinter) pp.add_printer('Move', '^seer::board::move::Move$', MovePrinter) return pp def register_commands(): PrintBoard() gdb.printing.register_pretty_printer(gdb.current_objfile(), build_pretty_printer(), True) register_commands()