use std::sync::OnceLock; use crate::{ board::{Bitboard, Color, File, Square}, movegen::{ naive, wizardry::{generate_bishop_magics, generate_rook_magics, MagicMoves, RandGen}, }, }; // A simple XOR-shift RNG implementation. struct SimpleRng(u64); impl SimpleRng { pub fn new() -> Self { Self(4) // } } impl RandGen for SimpleRng { fn gen(&mut self) -> u64 { self.0 ^= self.0 >> 12; self.0 ^= self.0 << 25; self.0 ^= self.0 >> 27; self.0 } } /// Compute the set of possible non-attack moves for a pawn on a [Square], given its [Color] and /// set of blockers. pub fn pawn_quiet_moves(color: Color, square: Square, blockers: Bitboard) -> Bitboard { static PAWN_MOVES: OnceLock<[[Bitboard; 64]; 2]> = OnceLock::new(); // If there is a piece in front of the pawn, it can't advance if !(color.backward_direction().move_board(blockers) & square).is_empty() { return Bitboard::EMPTY; } PAWN_MOVES.get_or_init(|| { let mut res = [[Bitboard::EMPTY; 64]; 2]; for color in Color::iter() { for square in Square::iter() { res[color.index()][square.index()] = naive::pawn_moves(color, square, Bitboard::EMPTY); } } res })[color.index()][square.index()] } /// Compute the set of possible attacks for a pawn on a [Square], given its [Color]. pub fn pawn_attacks(color: Color, square: Square) -> Bitboard { static PAWN_ATTACKS: OnceLock<[[Bitboard; 64]; 2]> = OnceLock::new(); PAWN_ATTACKS.get_or_init(|| { let mut res = [[Bitboard::EMPTY; 64]; 2]; for color in Color::iter() { for square in Square::iter() { res[color.index()][square.index()] = naive::pawn_captures(color, square); } } res })[color.index()][square.index()] } /// Compute the set of possible moves for a pawn on a [Square], given its [Color] and set of /// blockers. pub fn pawn_moves(color: Color, square: Square, blockers: Bitboard) -> Bitboard { pawn_quiet_moves(color, square, blockers) | pawn_attacks(color, square) } /// Compute the set of possible moves for a knight on a [Square]. pub fn knight_moves(square: Square) -> Bitboard { static KNIGHT_MOVES: OnceLock<[Bitboard; 64]> = OnceLock::new(); KNIGHT_MOVES.get_or_init(|| { let mut res = [Bitboard::EMPTY; 64]; for square in Square::iter() { res[square.index()] = naive::knight_moves(square) } res })[square.index()] } /// Compute the set of possible moves for a bishop on a [Square], given its set of blockers. pub fn bishop_moves(square: Square, blockers: Bitboard) -> Bitboard { static BISHOP_MAGICS: OnceLock = OnceLock::new(); BISHOP_MAGICS .get_or_init(|| { let (magics, moves) = generate_bishop_magics(&mut SimpleRng::new()); // SAFETY: we used the generator function to compute these values unsafe { MagicMoves::new(magics, moves) } }) .query(square, blockers) } /// Compute the set of possible moves for a rook on a [Square], given its set of blockers. pub fn rook_moves(square: Square, blockers: Bitboard) -> Bitboard { static ROOK_MAGICS: OnceLock = OnceLock::new(); ROOK_MAGICS .get_or_init(|| { let (magics, moves) = generate_rook_magics(&mut SimpleRng::new()); // SAFETY: we used the generator function to compute these values unsafe { MagicMoves::new(magics, moves) } }) .query(square, blockers) } /// Compute the set of possible moves for a queen on a [Square], given its set of blockers. pub fn queen_moves(square: Square, blockers: Bitboard) -> Bitboard { bishop_moves(square, blockers) | rook_moves(square, blockers) } /// Compute the set of possible moves for a king on a [Square]. pub fn king_moves(square: Square) -> Bitboard { static KING_MOVES: OnceLock<[Bitboard; 64]> = OnceLock::new(); KING_MOVES.get_or_init(|| { let mut res = [Bitboard::EMPTY; 64]; for square in Square::iter() { res[square.index()] = naive::king_moves(square) } res })[square.index()] } /// Compute the squares which should be empty for a king-side castle of the given [Color]. pub fn kind_side_castle_blockers(color: Color) -> Bitboard { let rank = color.first_rank(); Square::new(File::F, rank) | Square::new(File::G, rank) } /// Compute the squares which should be empty for a queen-side castle of the given [Color]. pub fn queen_side_castle_blockers(color: Color) -> Bitboard { let rank = color.first_rank(); Square::new(File::B, rank) | Square::new(File::C, rank) | Square::new(File::D, rank) }