import gdb.printing class Square(object): """ Python representation of a 'seer::board::square::Square' raw value. """ FILES = list(map(lambda n: chr(ord("A") + n), range(8))) RANKS = list(map(lambda n: str(n + 1), range(8))) def __init__(self, val): self._val = val def __str__(self): return self.FILES[self.file] + self.RANKS[self.rank] @property def rank(self): return int(self._val) % 8 @property def file(self): return int(self._val) // 8 class Bitboard(object): """ Python representation of a 'seer::board::bitboard::Bitboard' raw value. """ def __init__(self, val): self._val = val def __str__(self): return "[" + ", ".join(map(str, self.squares)) + "]" @property def squares(self): n = self._val while n: b = n & (~n + 1) yield Square(b.bit_length() - 1) n ^= b class SquarePrinter(object): "Print a seer::board::square::Square" def __init__(self, val): self._val = Square(val) def to_string(self): return str(self._val) class BitboardPrinter(object): "Print a seer::board::bitboard::Bitboard" def __init__(self, val): self._val = Bitboard(int(val["__0"])) def to_string(self): return "Bitboard{" + str(self._val)[1:-1] + "}" def build_pretty_printer(): pp = gdb.printing.RegexpCollectionPrettyPrinter('seer') pp.add_printer('Square', '^seer::board::square::Square$', SquarePrinter) pp.add_printer('Bitboard', '^seer::board::bitboard::Bitboard$', BitboardPrinter) return pp gdb.printing.register_pretty_printer(gdb.current_objfile(), build_pretty_printer(), True)