use std::io::{Result, Write}; pub mod board; pub mod error; pub mod movegen; pub mod utils; use crate::{ board::{Bitboard, Color, File, Square}, movegen::{ naive::{ king::king_moves, knight::knight_moves, pawn::{pawn_captures, pawn_moves}, }, wizardry::generation::{generate_bishop_magics, generate_rook_magics}, Magic, }, }; fn print_magics(out: &mut dyn Write, var_name: &str, magics: &[Magic]) -> Result<()> { writeln!(out, "static {}: [Magic; {}] = [", var_name, magics.len())?; for magic in magics.iter() { writeln!( out, " Magic{{magic: {}, offset: {}, mask: Bitboard({}), shift: {},}},", magic.magic, magic.offset, magic.mask.0, magic.shift )?; } writeln!(out, "];")?; Ok(()) } fn print_boards(out: &mut dyn Write, var_name: &str, boards: &[Bitboard]) -> Result<()> { writeln!(out, "static {}: [Bitboard; {}] = [", var_name, boards.len())?; for board in boards.iter().cloned() { writeln!(out, " Bitboard({}),", board.0)?; } writeln!(out, "];")?; Ok(()) } fn print_double_sided_boards( out: &mut dyn Write, var_name: &str, white_boards: &[Bitboard], black_boards: &[Bitboard], ) -> Result<()> { assert_eq!(white_boards.len(), black_boards.len()); writeln!( out, "static {}: [[Bitboard; {}]; 2] = [", var_name, white_boards.len() )?; for color in Color::iter() { let boards = if color == Color::White { white_boards } else { black_boards }; writeln!(out, " [")?; for square in Square::iter() { writeln!(out, " Bitboard({}),", boards[square.index()].0)?; } writeln!(out, " ],")?; } writeln!(out, "];")?; Ok(()) } #[allow(clippy::redundant_clone)] fn main() -> Result<()> { // FIXME: rerun-if-changed directives let out_dir = std::env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); let magic_path = std::path::Path::new(&out_dir).join(""); let mut out = std::fs::File::create(&magic_path).unwrap(); let rng = random::default().seed([12, 27]); { let (magics, moves) = generate_bishop_magics(&mut rng.clone()); print_magics(&mut out, "BISHOP_MAGICS", &magics)?; print_boards(&mut out, "BISHOP_MOVES", &moves)?; } { let (magics, moves) = generate_rook_magics(&mut rng.clone()); print_magics(&mut out, "ROOK_MAGICS", &magics)?; print_boards(&mut out, "ROOK_MOVES", &moves)?; } { let moves: Vec<_> = Square::iter().map(knight_moves).collect(); print_boards(&mut out, "KNIGHT_MOVES", &moves)?; } { let white_moves: Vec<_> = Square::iter() .map(|square| pawn_moves(Color::White, square, Bitboard::EMPTY)) .collect(); let black_moves: Vec<_> = Square::iter() .map(|square| pawn_moves(Color::Black, square, Bitboard::EMPTY)) .collect(); print_double_sided_boards(&mut out, "PAWN_MOVES", &white_moves, &black_moves)?; let white_attacks: Vec<_> = Square::iter() .map(|square| pawn_captures(Color::White, square)) .collect(); let black_attacks: Vec<_> = Square::iter() .map(|square| pawn_captures(Color::Black, square)) .collect(); print_double_sided_boards(&mut out, "PAWN_ATTACKS", &white_attacks, &black_attacks)?; } { let moves: Vec<_> = Square::iter().map(king_moves).collect(); print_boards(&mut out, "KING_MOVES", &moves)?; let king_blockers: Vec<_> = Color::iter() .map(|color| { Square::new(File::F, color.first_rank()) | Square::new(File::G, color.first_rank()) }) .collect(); let queen_blockers: Vec<_> = Color::iter() .map(|color| { Square::new(File::B, color.first_rank()) | Square::new(File::C, color.first_rank()) | Square::new(File::D, color.first_rank()) }) .collect(); print_boards(&mut out, "KING_SIDE_CASTLE_BLOCKERS", &king_blockers)?; print_boards(&mut out, "QUEEN_SIDE_CASTLE_BLOCKERS", &queen_blockers)?; } // Include the generated files now that the build script has run. println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=generated_boards"); // Run the build script only if something in move generation might have changed. println!(""); println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=movegen/naive/"); println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=movegen/wizardry/"); Ok(()) }