use crate::board::{Bitboard, CastleRights, ChessBoard, Color, InvalidError, Piece, Square}; /// Build a [ChessBoard] one piece at a time. #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)] pub struct ChessBoardBuilder { /// The list of [Piece] on the board. Indexed by [Square::index]. pieces: [Option<(Piece, Color)>; 64], // Same fields as [ChessBoard]. castle_rights: [CastleRights; Color::NUM_VARIANTS], en_passant: Option, half_move_clock: u8, side: Color, // 1-based, a turn is *two* half-moves (i.e: both players have played). turn_count: u32, } impl ChessBoardBuilder { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { pieces: [None; 64], castle_rights: [CastleRights::NoSide; 2], en_passant: Default::default(), half_move_clock: Default::default(), side: Color::White, turn_count: 1, } } pub fn with_castle_rights(&mut self, rights: CastleRights, color: Color) -> &mut Self { self.castle_rights[color.index()] = rights; self } pub fn with_en_passant(&mut self, square: Square) -> &mut Self { self.en_passant = Some(square); self } pub fn without_en_passant(&mut self) -> &mut Self { self.en_passant = None; self } pub fn with_half_move_clock(&mut self, clock: u8) -> &mut Self { self.half_move_clock = clock; self } pub fn with_turn_count(&mut self, count: u32) -> &mut Self { self.turn_count = count; self } pub fn with_current_player(&mut self, color: Color) -> &mut Self { self.side = color; self } } impl Default for ChessBoardBuilder { fn default() -> Self { Self::new() } } /// Index a [ChessBoardBuilder] with a [Square] to access its pieces. impl std::ops::Index for ChessBoardBuilder { type Output = Option<(Piece, Color)>; fn index(&self, square: Square) -> &Self::Output { &self.pieces[square.index()] } } /// Index a [ChessBoardBuilder] with a [Square] to access its pieces. impl std::ops::IndexMut for ChessBoardBuilder { fn index_mut(&mut self, square: Square) -> &mut Self::Output { &mut self.pieces[square.index()] } } impl TryFrom for ChessBoard { type Error = InvalidError; fn try_from(builder: ChessBoardBuilder) -> Result { let mut piece_occupancy: [Bitboard; Piece::NUM_VARIANTS] = Default::default(); let mut color_occupancy: [Bitboard; Color::NUM_VARIANTS] = Default::default(); let mut combined_occupancy: Bitboard = Default::default(); let ChessBoardBuilder { pieces, castle_rights, en_passant, half_move_clock, side, turn_count, } = builder; for square in Square::iter() { let Some((piece, color)) = pieces[square.index()] else { continue; }; piece_occupancy[piece.index()] |= square; color_occupancy[color.index()] |= square; combined_occupancy |= square; } let total_plies = (turn_count - 1) * 2 + if side == Color::White { 0 } else { 1 }; let board = ChessBoard { piece_occupancy, color_occupancy, combined_occupancy, castle_rights, en_passant, half_move_clock, total_plies, side, }; board.validate()?; Ok(board) } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::*; fn from_board(board: &ChessBoard) -> ChessBoardBuilder { let mut builder = ChessBoardBuilder::new(); for piece in Piece::iter() { for color in Color::iter() { for square in board.occupancy(piece, color) { builder[square] = Some((piece, color)); } } } for color in Color::iter() { builder.with_castle_rights(board.castle_rights(color), color); } if let Some(square) = board.en_passant() { builder.with_en_passant(square); } else { builder.without_en_passant(); } builder .with_half_move_clock(board.half_move_clock()) .with_turn_count(board.total_plies() / 2 + 1) .with_current_player(board.current_player()); builder } #[test] fn default_board() { let board = ChessBoard::default(); let builder = from_board(&board); assert_eq!(board, builder.try_into().unwrap()) } }