use super::super::utils::*; use super::super::Renderer; use crate::scene::{Object, Scene}; use crate::{ core::{LightProperties, LinearColor, ReflTransEnum}, material::Material, shape::Shape, texture::Texture, {Point, Vector}, }; use beevee::ray::Ray; use image::RgbImage; use nalgebra::Unit; use rand::prelude::thread_rng; use rand::Rng; /// Render the [`Scene`] using Raytracing. /// /// [`Scene`]: ../scene/scene/struct.Scene.html pub struct Raytracer { scene: Scene, } impl Raytracer { /// Create a [`Raytracer`] renderer with the given [`Scene`] /// /// [`Raytracer`]: struct.Raytracer.html /// [`Scene`]: ../scene/scene/struct.Scene.html pub fn new(scene: Scene) -> Self { Raytracer { scene } } /// Render the [`Scene`] using Raytracing. /// /// [`Scene`]: ../scene/scene/struct.Scene.html pub fn render(&self) -> RgbImage { let mut image = RgbImage::new(,, ); let total = (image.width() * image.height()) as u64; let pb = super::super::progress::get_pixels_progressbar(total); let pixel_func = if self.scene.shot_rays > 0 { Self::anti_alias_pixel } else { Self::pixel }; rayon::scope(|s| { // FIXME(Bruno): it would go even faster to cut the image in blocks of rows, leading to // better cache-line behaviour... for (_, row) in image.enumerate_rows_mut() { s.spawn(|_| { for (x, y, pixel) in row { *pixel = pixel_func(&self, x as f32, y as f32).into();; } }) } }); pb.finish(); image } /// Get pixel color for (x, y) a pixel **coordinate** fn pixel(&self, x: f32, y: f32) -> LinearColor { let (x, y) =, y); let indices = RefractionInfo::with_index(self.scene.diffraction_index); let ray =, y); self.cast_ray(ray).map_or_else( || self.scene.background.clone(), |(t, obj)| { self.color_at( ray.origin + ray.direction.as_ref() * t, obj, ray.direction, self.scene.reflection_limit, indices, ) }, ) } /// Get pixel color with anti-aliasing fn anti_alias_pixel(&self, x: f32, y: f32) -> LinearColor { let range = 0..self.scene.shot_rays; let mut rng = thread_rng(); let acc: LinearColor = range .map(|_| { let random_x: f32 = rng.gen(); let random_y: f32 = rng.gen(); self.pixel(x + random_x, y + random_y) }) .map(LinearColor::clamp) .sum(); acc / self.scene.shot_rays as f32 } fn cast_ray(&self, ray: Ray) -> Option<(f32, &Object)> { self.scene.bvh.walk(&ray, &self.scene.objects) } fn color_at( &self, point: Point, object: &Object, incident_ray: Unit, reflection_limit: u32, mut indices: RefractionInfo, ) -> LinearColor { let texel = object.shape.project_texel(&point); let properties =; let object_color = object.texture.texel_color(texel); let normal = object.shape.normal(&point); let reflected_ray = reflected(incident_ray, normal); // FIXME: change this to averaged sampled rays instead of visiting every light ? // Indeed the path-tracing algorithm is good for calculating the radiance at a point // But it should be used for reflection and refraction too... let lighting = self.illuminate(point, object_color, &properties, normal, reflected_ray); if properties.refl_trans.is_none() { // Avoid calculating reflection when not needed return lighting; } let reflected = self.reflection(point, reflected_ray, reflection_limit, indices.clone()); // We can unwrap safely thanks to the check for None before match properties.refl_trans.unwrap() { ReflTransEnum::Transparency { coef, index } => { // Calculate the refracted ray, if it was refracted, and mutate indices accordingly refracted(incident_ray, normal, &mut indices, index).map_or_else( // Total reflection || reflected.clone(), // Refraction (refracted ray, amount of *reflection*) |(r, refl_t)| { let refracted = self.refraction(point, coef, r, reflection_limit, indices); let refr_light = refracted * (1. - refl_t) + reflected.clone() * refl_t; refr_light * coef + lighting * (1. - coef) }, ) } ReflTransEnum::Reflectivity { coef } => reflected * coef + lighting * (1. - coef), } } fn refraction( &self, point: Point, transparency: f32, refracted: Unit, reflection_limit: u32, indices: RefractionInfo, ) -> LinearColor { if transparency > 1e-5 && reflection_limit > 0 { let refraction_start = point + refracted.as_ref() * 0.001; if let Some((t, obj)) = self.cast_ray(Ray::new(refraction_start, refracted)) { let resulting_position = refraction_start + refracted.as_ref() * t; let refracted = self.color_at( resulting_position, obj, refracted, reflection_limit - 1, indices, ); return refracted * transparency; } } LinearColor::black() } fn reflection( &self, point: Point, reflected: Unit, reflection_limit: u32, indices: RefractionInfo, ) -> LinearColor { if reflection_limit > 0 { let reflection_start = point + reflected.as_ref() * 0.001; if let Some((t, obj)) = self.cast_ray(Ray::new(reflection_start, reflected)) { let resulting_position = reflection_start + reflected.as_ref() * t; let color = self.color_at( resulting_position, obj, reflected, reflection_limit - 1, indices, ); return color; } }; LinearColor::black() } fn illuminate( &self, point: Point, object_color: LinearColor, properties: &LightProperties, normal: Unit, reflected: Unit, ) -> LinearColor { let ambient = self.illuminate_ambient(object_color.clone()); let spatial = self.illuminate_spatial(point, properties, normal, reflected); ambient + object_color * spatial } fn illuminate_ambient(&self, color: LinearColor) -> LinearColor { self.scene .lights .ambient_lights_iter() .map(|light| color.clone() * light.illumination(&Point::origin())) .map(LinearColor::clamp) .sum() } fn illuminate_spatial( &self, point: Point, properties: &LightProperties, normal: Unit, reflected: Unit, ) -> LinearColor { self.scene .lights .spatial_lights_iter() .map(|light| { let (direction, t) = light.to_source(&point); let light_ray = Ray::new(point + direction.as_ref() * 0.001, direction); match self.cast_ray(light_ray) { // Take shadows into account Some((obstacle_t, _)) if obstacle_t < t => return LinearColor::black(), _ => {} } let lum = light.illumination(&point); let diffused = properties.diffuse.clone() *; let specular = properties.specular.clone() *; lum * (diffused + specular) }) .map(LinearColor::clamp) .sum() } } impl Renderer for Raytracer { fn render(&self) -> RgbImage { self.render() } }