use super::Shape; use crate::{Point, Point2D, Vector}; use bvh::aabb::AABB; use bvh::ray::Ray; use serde::Deserialize; /// Represent a sphere shape inside the scene. #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Deserialize)] pub struct Sphere { /// The sphere is inverted if it is expected to be seen from the inside. #[serde(default)] inverted: bool, /// The center of the sphere in space. center: Point, /// The radius of the sphere being rendered. radius: f32, } impl Sphere { /// Return a sphere which should be rendered as seen from the outside. pub fn new(center: Point, radius: f32) -> Self { Sphere { center, radius, inverted: false, } } /// Return a sphere which should be rendered as seen from the inside. pub fn inverted_new(center: Point, radius: f32) -> Self { Sphere { center, radius, inverted: true, } } } impl Shape for Sphere { fn intersect(&self, ray: &Ray) -> Option { use std::mem; let delt = - ray.origin; let tca =; let d2 = delt.norm_squared() - tca * tca; let r_2 = self.radius * self.radius; if d2 > r_2 { return None; } let thc = (r_2 - d2).sqrt(); let mut t_0 = tca - thc; let mut t_1 = tca + thc; if t_0 > t_1 { mem::swap(&mut t_0, &mut t_1) } if t_0 < 0. { t_0 = t_1 } if t_0 < 0. { None } else { Some(t_0) } } fn normal(&self, point: &Point) -> Vector { let delt = if self.inverted { - point } else { point - }; delt.normalize() } fn project_texel(&self, point: &Point) -> Point2D { // Project the sphere on the XY-plane Point2D::new( 0.5 + (point.x - / (2. * self.radius), 0.5 + (point.y - / (2. * self.radius), ) } fn aabb(&self) -> AABB { let delt = Vector::new(self.radius, self.radius, self.radius); let min = - delt; let max = + delt; AABB::with_bounds(min, max) } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::*; fn simple_sphere() -> Sphere { Sphere::new(Point::origin(), 1.) } #[test] fn intersect_along_axis_works() { let sphere = simple_sphere(); let ray = Ray::new(Point::new(-2., 0., 0.), Vector::new(1., 0., 0.)); assert_eq!(sphere.intersect(&ray), Some(1.)) } #[test] fn non_intersect_along_axis_works() { let sphere = simple_sphere(); let ray = Ray::new(Point::new(-2., 0., 0.), Vector::new(-1., 0., 0.)); assert_eq!(sphere.intersect(&ray), None) } #[test] fn intersect_not_on_axis() { let sphere = simple_sphere(); let ray = Ray::new(Point::new(1., 1., 1.), Vector::new(-1., -1., -1.)); assert_eq!(sphere.intersect(&ray), Some(f32::sqrt(3.) - 1.)) } #[test] fn normal_works() { let sphere = simple_sphere(); assert_eq!( sphere.normal(&Point::new(-1., 0., 0.)), Vector::new(-1., 0., 0.) ) } #[test] fn inverted_normal_works() { let sphere = Sphere::inverted_new(Point::origin(), 1.); assert_eq!( sphere.normal(&Point::new(-1., 0., 0.)), Vector::new(1., 0., 0.) ) } #[test] fn projection_works_1() { let sphere = simple_sphere(); let projection = sphere.project_texel(&Point::new(-1., -1., 1.)); assert!(projection.x.abs() < 1e-5); assert!(projection.y.abs() < 1e-5) } #[test] fn projection_works_2() { let sphere = simple_sphere(); let projection = sphere.project_texel(&Point::new(1., -1., 1.)); assert!((projection.x - 1.).abs() < 1e-5); assert!(projection.y.abs() < 1e-5) } #[test] fn projection_works_3() { let sphere = simple_sphere(); let projection = sphere.project_texel(&Point::new(1., 0., 1.)); assert!((projection.x - 1.).abs() < 1e-5); assert!((projection.y - 0.5).abs() < 1e-5) } #[test] fn deserialization_works() { let yaml = r#" inverted: false center: [0.5, 1.0, 2.0] radius: 2.5 "#; let sphere: Sphere = serde_yaml::from_str(yaml).unwrap(); assert_eq!(sphere, Sphere::new(Point::new(0.5, 1.0, 2.0), 2.5)) } }