Bruno BELANYI 39eba647ac hosts: nixos: aramis: home: use 'pinentry-qt'
The GTK2 variant has been removed [1].

I may revise this in the future if [2] is merged (I'd like to try
`pinentry-rofi` [3]).

2024-01-03 14:25:20 +00:00

35 lines
908 B

{ pkgs, ... }:
my.home = {
# Use graphical pinentry
bitwarden.pinentry = "qt";
# Ebook library
calibre.enable = true;
# Some amount of social life
discord.enable = true;
# Image viewver
feh.enable = true;
# Firefo profile and extensions
firefox.enable = true;
# Blue light filter
gammastep.enable = true;
# Use a small popup to enter passwords
gpg.pinentry = "qt";
# Machine specific packages
packages.additionalPackages = with pkgs; [
element-desktop # Matrix client
jellyfin-media-player # Wraps the webui and mpv together
pavucontrol # Audio mixer GUI
transgui # Transmission remote
# Minimal video player
mpv.enable = true;
# Network-Manager applet
nm-applet.enable = true;
# Terminal
terminal.program = "alacritty";
# Zathura document viewer
zathura.enable = true;