Bruno BELANYI 4786552e8c home: zsh: verify history expansion
This helps when I absentmindedly run a command which contains
exclamation points.
2023-03-08 14:37:37 +00:00

19 lines
675 B

# Show an error when a globbing expansion doesn't find any match
setopt nomatch
# List on ambiguous completion and Insert first match immediately
setopt autolist menucomplete
# Use pushd when cd-ing around
setopt autopushd pushdminus pushdsilent
# Use single quotes in string without the weird escape tricks
setopt rcquotes
# Single word commands can resume an existing job
setopt autoresume
# Show history expansion before running a command
setopt hist_verify
# Append commands to history as they are exectuted
setopt inc_append_history_time
# Remove useless whitespace from commands
setopt hist_reduce_blanks
# Those options aren't wanted
unsetopt beep extendedglob notify