" Create the `b:undo_ftplugin` variable if it doesn't exist call ftplugined#check_undo_ft() " Set-up LSP, linters, formatters lua << EOF local null_ls = require("null-ls") null_ls.register({ null_ls.builtins.diagnostics.shellcheck.with({ -- Show error code in message diagnostics_format = "[#{c}] #{m}", -- Require explicit empty string test, use bash dialect extra_args = { "-s", "bash", "-o", "avoid-nullary-conditions" }, }), null_ls.builtins.formatting.shfmt.with({ -- Indent with 4 spaces, simplify the code, indent switch cases, use bash dialect extra_args = { "-i", "4", "-s", "-ci", "-ln", "bash" }, }), }) EOF