{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: { programs.zsh = { enable = true; dotDir = ".config/zsh"; # Don't clutter $HOME enableCompletion = true; history = { size = 50000; ignoreSpace = true; ignoreDups = true; share = true; path = "${config.xdg.dataHome}/zsh/zsh_history"; }; plugins = with pkgs; [ { name = "fast-syntax-highlighting"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "zdharma"; repo = "fast-syntax-highlighting"; rev = "v1.55"; sha256 = "sha256-DWVFBoICroKaKgByLmDEo4O+xo6eA8YO792g8t8R7kA="; }; } { name = "agkozak-zsh-prompt"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "agkozak"; repo = "agkozak-zsh-prompt"; rev = "v3.9.0"; sha256 = "sha256-VTRL+8ph2eI7iPht15epkLggAgtLGxB3DORFTW5GrhE="; }; } ]; # Modal editing is life, but CLI benefits from emacs gymnastics defaultKeymap = "emacs"; initExtra = lib.concatMapStrings builtins.readFile [ ./completion-styles.zsh ./options.zsh ]; localVariables = { # I like having the full path AGKOZAK_PROMPT_DIRTRIM = 0; # Because I *am* from EPITA AGKOZAK_PROMPT_CHAR = [ "42sh$" "42sh#" ":" ]; # Easy on the eyes AGKOZAK_COLORS_BRANCH_STATUS = "magenta"; # I don't like moving my eyes AGKOZAK_LEFT_PROMPT_ONLY = 1; }; }; # Fuzzy-wuzzy programs.fzf = { enable = true; enableZshIntegration = true; }; programs.dircolors = { enable = true; }; }