{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: let cfg = config.my.home.vim; configFiles = let toSource = directory: { source = ./. + "/${directory}"; }; configureDirectory = name: lib.nameValuePair "nvim/${name}" (toSource name); linkDirectories = dirs: builtins.listToAttrs (map configureDirectory dirs); in linkDirectories [ "after" "autoload" "ftdetect" "plugin" ]; in { options.my.home.vim = with lib.my; { enable = mkDisableOption "vim configuration"; }; config.programs.neovim = lib.mkIf cfg.enable { enable = true; # All the aliases viAlias = true; vimAlias = true; vimdiffAlias = true; plugins = with pkgs.vimPlugins; [ # Theming lightline-vim # Fancy status bar { plugin = onedark-vim; # Nice dark theme optional = true; # Needs to be `packadd`-ed manually... } # tpope essentials vim-commentary # Easy comments vim-eunuch # UNIX integrations vim-fugitive # A 'git' wrapper vim-git # Sane git syntax files vim-repeat # Enanche '.' for plugins vim-rsi # Readline mappings vim-surround # Deal with pairs vim-unimpaired # Some ex command mappings vim-vinegar # Better netrw # Languages rust-vim vim-beancount vim-jsonnet vim-nix vim-pandoc vim-pandoc-syntax vim-toml # General enhancements fastfold # Better folding vim-qf # Better quick-fix list # Other wrappers fzfWrapper # The vim plugin inside the 'fzf' package fzf-vim # Fuzzy commands git-messenger-vim # A simple blame window # LSP and linting ale # Asynchronous Linting Engine lightline-ale # Status bar integration ]; extraConfig = builtins.readFile ./init.vim; }; config.xdg.configFile = lib.mkIf cfg.enable configFiles; }