" Shamelessly taken from bovine3dom's example configuration file from the docs " Basics {{{ " Use dark color scheme colorscheme dark " Make tridactyl open Vim in my prefered terminal " FIXME: make it follow my prefered terminal set editorcmd termite --class tridactyl_editor -e 'vim %f' " }}} " Binds {{{ " Reddit et al. {{{ " Toggle comments on Reddit, Hacker News, Lobste.rs bind ;c hint -c [class*="expand"],[class="togg"],[class="comment_folder"] " Make `gu` take me back to subreddit from comments bindurl reddit.com gu urlparent 3 " Only hint search results on Google bindurl www.google.com f hint -Jc #search div:not(.action-menu) > a bindurl www.google.com F hint -Jbc #search div:not(.action-menu) > a " Only hint search results on DuckDuckGo bindurl ^https://duckduckgo.com f hint -Jc [class=result__a] bindurl ^https://duckduckgo.com F hint -Jbc [class=result__a] " Only hint item pages on Hacker News bindurl news.ycombinator.com ;f hint -Jc .age > a bindurl news.ycombinator.com ;F hint -Jtc .age > a " }}} " Better bindings {{{ " Handy multiwindow binds bind gd tabdetach bind gD composite tabduplicate; tabdetach " Make yy use canonical links on the few websites that support them bind yy clipboard yankcanon " }}} " Search {{{ " Case insensitive only if fully lowercase set findcase smart " Search forward/backward bind / fillcmdline find bind ? fillcmdline find -? " Go to next/previous match bind n findnext 1 bind N findnext -1 " Because :nohls never works bind <Space><Space> nohlsearch " Use browser's native find when using Ctrl-F unbind <C-f> " }}} " }}} " Redirections {{{ " Always redirect Reddit to the old site autocmd DocStart ^http(s?)://www.reddit.com js tri.excmds.urlmodify("-t", "www", "old") " }}} " Disabled websites {{{ blacklistadd netflix.com blacklistadd jellyfin.belanyi.fr " }}} " vim: set filetype=vim foldmethod=marker: