diff --git a/modules/home/vim/init.vim b/modules/home/vim/init.vim index 0650014..c94fc53 100644 --- a/modules/home/vim/init.vim +++ b/modules/home/vim/init.vim @@ -91,11 +91,17 @@ set termguicolors " Setup some overrides for gruvbox lua << EOF local gruvbox = require("gruvbox") +local colors = gruvbox.palette gruvbox.setup({ overrides = { -- Only URLs should be underlined ["@string.special.path"] = { link = "GruvboxOrange" }, + -- Revert back to the better diff highlighting + DiffAdd = { fg = colors.green, bg = "NONE" }, + DiffChange = { fg = colors.aqua, bg = "NONE" }, + DiffDelete = { fg = colors.red, bg = "NONE" }, + DiffText = { fg = colors.yellow, bg = colors.bg0 }, } }) EOF