CLI_PACKAGES := \ bash \ flake8 \ gdb \ git \ haskell \ isort \ mimetype \ mypy \ remind \ scripts \ shell \ ssh \ tin \ tmux \ vifm \ vim \ zsh \ VISUAL_PACKAGES := \ X \ desktop \ dunst \ fontconfig \ i3 \ i3blocks \ redshift \ rofi \ system-X \ termite \ tridactyl \ wallpapers \ zathura \ CLI_DEPENDENCIES := \ aur/bitwarden-cli \ aur/cppreference \ aur/git-absorb \ aur/handlr-bin \ aur/nodejs-markdownlint-cli \ aur/stdman \ aur/xdg-utils-handlr \ aur/zsh-fast-syntax-highlighting-git \ community/bat \ community/fd \ community/fzf \ community/git-lfs \ community/global \ community/lesspipe \ community/mosh \ community/mypy \ community/pandoc \ community/ripgrep \ community/rustup \ community/shellcheck \ community/shfmt \ community/stack \ community/stow \ community/tig \ community/tmux \ community/udiskie \ community/vifm \ community/zsh-completions \ core/archlinux-keyring \ core/openssh \ extra/bash-completion \ extra/ctags \ extra/git \ extra/imagemagick \ extra/keychain \ extra/networkmanager \ extra/vim \ extra/vim-runtime \ extra/zsh \ VISUAL_DEPENDENCIES := \ aur/bitwarden-rofi \ aur/gnome-ssh-askpass3 \ aur/i3-battery-popup-git \ aur/i3blocks-contrib-git \ aur/networkmanager-dmenu-git \ aur/qsyncthingtray \ aur/rofi-dmenu \ aur/rofi-emoji \ community/acpi \ community/dunst \ community/flameshot \ community/i3lock-color \ community/playerctl \ community/redshift \ community/syncthing \ community/sysstat \ community/termite \ community/xautolock \ community/xsel \ community/zathura \ community/zathura-cb \ community/zathura-djvu \ community/zathura-pdf-poppler \ community/zathura-ps \ extra/firefox \ extra/nm-connection-editor \ extra/noto-fonts-emoji \ extra/thunderbird \ extra/vlc \ HASKELL_DEPENDENCIES := \ brittany \ hlint \ STOW_TARGET := $(HOME) STOW = stow -t $(STOW_TARGET) -R -v YAY := yay -S --noconfirm --needed .PHONY: all all: install # Install packages and their dependencies .PHONY: install-cli install-cli: install-cli-deps install-cli: link-cli install-cli: rust haskell .PHONY: install install: install-cli install: install-visual-deps install: link-visual .PHONY: install-cli-deps install-cli-deps: $(YAY) $(CLI_DEPENDENCIES) .PHONY: install-visual-deps install-visual-deps: $(YAY) $(VISUAL_DEPENDENCIES) # Linking packages .PHONY: link-all link-all: link-cli link-visual .PHONY: link-cli link-cli: $(addprefix stow-,$(CLI_PACKAGES)) .PHONY: link-visual link-visual: $(addprefix stow-,$(VISUAL_PACKAGES)) # Installing configuration packages .PHONY: $(addprefix stow-,$(CLI_PACKAGES)) .PHONY: $(addprefix stow-,$(VISUAL_PACKAGES)) stow-%: % $(STOW) $< stow-scripts: STOW_TARGET=~/.scripts stow-scripts: scripts mkdir -p $(STOW_TARGET) $(STOW) $< stow-system-X: STOW_TARGET=/ stow-system-X: system-X sudo $(STOW) $< stow-tin: tin rm -rf $(STOW_TARGET)/.tin ln -s $(realpath tin/.tin) $(STOW_TARGET)/.tin stow-tmux: tmux $(STOW) $< [ -d ~/.config/tmux/plugins/tpm ] || \ git clone ~/.config/tmux/plugins/tpm; ~/.config/tmux/plugins/tpm/bin/install_plugins stow-vim: vim $(STOW) $< vim +PlugInstall +qa # Removing packages .PHONY: unlink-all unlink-all: unlink-cli unlink-visual .PHONY: unlink-cli unlink-cli: $(addprefix unstow-,$(CLI_PACKAGES)) .PHONY: unlink-visual unlink-visual: $(addprefix unstow-,$(VISUAL_PACKAGES)) .PHONY: $(addprefix unstow-,$(CLI_PACKAGES)) .PHONY: $(addprefix unstow-,$(VISUAL_PACKAGES)) unstow-%: $(STOW) -D $* unstow-scripts: STOW_TARGET=~/.scripts unstow-scripts: $(STOW) -D scripts unstow-system-X: STOW_TARGET=/ unstow-system-X: sudo $(STOW) -D system-X unstow-tin: rm -f $(STOW_TARGET)/.tin unstow-tmux: $(STOW) -D tmux rm -rf ~/.config/tmux/plugins/ # The `rustup` package does not install a toolchain by default .PHONY: rust rust: rustup default stable .PHONY: haskell haskell: if [ -n "$(HASKELL_DEPENDENCIES)" ]; then \ stack build --copy-compiler-tool $(HASKELL_DEPENDENCIES); \ fi