! FIXME: this line should be conditional in some way #include ".Xresources.d/theme/easy-dark" ! XTerm settings ! Default monospace font xterm*faceName: Monsopace ! Pretty small size, but legible xterm*faceSize: 9 ! URxvt settings ! Remove the ugly scrollbar URxvt.scrollBar: false ! Nice looking font, small but legible URxvt.font: xft:Terminus:mono:size=8 ! Remove the weird spacing around characters URxvt.letterSpace: -5 ! Loaading extensions URxvt.perl-ext-common: default,keyboard-select,resize-font !!! Font resizing shortcuts: ! Ctr+Maj+=/Ctrl++ Go a size up ! Ctrl+- Go a size down ! Ctrl+= Go back to default ! Ctrl+? Show current size !!! Keyboard select shortcuts ! h/j/k/l: Move cursor left/down/up/right (also with arrow keys) ! g/G/0/^/$/H/M/L/f/F/;/,/w/W/b/B/e/E: More vi-like cursor movement keys ! '/'/?: Start forward/backward search ! n/N: Repeat last search, N: in reverse direction ! Ctrl+f/b: Scroll down/up one screen ! Ctrl+d/u: Scroll down/up half a screen ! v/V/Ctrl+v: Toggle normal/linewise/blockwise selection ! y/Return: Copy selection to primary buffer, Return: quit afterwards ! Y: Copy selected lines to primary buffer or cursor line and quit ! q/Escape: Quit keyboard selection mode ! Activate keyboard selection with Al+-Esc URxvt.keysym.M-Escape: perl:keyboard-select:activate ! Activate backwards-search with Alt+s URxvt.keysym.M-s: perl:keyboard-select:search