# A script to display $USER@$HOST:$PWD with PWD shortened in terminal title # Taken mostly verbatim from 'vte.sh' provided with VTE-based shells __term_title_urlencode() ( # This is important to make sure string manipulation is handled # byte-by-byte. LC_ALL=C str="$1" while [ -n "$str" ]; do safe="${str%%[!a-zA-Z0-9/:_\.\-\!\'\(\)~]*}" printf "%s" "$safe" str="${str#"$safe"}" if [ -n "$str" ]; then printf "%%%02X" "'$str" str="${str#?}" fi done ) __term_title () { printf "\033]7;file://%s%s\033\\" "${HOST:-}" "$(__term_title_urlencode "${PWD}")" } __term_title_prompt_command() { local pwd='~' [ "$PWD" != "$HOME" ] && pwd=${PWD/#$HOME\//\~\/} pwd="${pwd//[[:cntrl:]]}" if [ -n "$BASH_VERSION" ]; then if command -v hostname &>/dev/null; then export HOSTNAME="$(hostname)" export HOST="$HOSTNAME" fi fi printf "\033]0;%s@%s:%s\033\\%s" "${USER}" "${HOST%%.*}" "${pwd}" "$(__term_title)" } case "$TERM" in xterm*|term_title*) [ -n "$BASH_VERSION" ] && PROMPT_COMMAND="__term_title_prompt_command;$PROMPT_COMMAND" [ -n "$ZSH_VERSION" ] && precmd_functions+=(__term_title_prompt_command) ;; esac # Launch it once to make sure we display the wanted title __term_title