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Multiple Dispatch in C++ 2022-06-07T16:13:56+02:00 false A Lisp super-power in C++
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A great feature that can be used in more dynamic languages is multiple dispatch. Here's an example in Julia taken from the Wikipedia article.

abstract type SpaceObject end

struct Asteroid <: SpaceObject
    # Asteroid fields
struct Spaceship <: SpaceObject
    # Spaceship fields

collide_with(::Asteroid, ::Spaceship) = # Asteroid/Spaceship collision
collide_with(::Spaceship, ::Asteroid) = # Spaceship/Asteroid collision
collide_with(::Spaceship, ::Spaceship) = # Spaceship/Spaceship collision
collide_with(::Asteroid, ::Asteroid) = # Asteroid/Asteroid collision

collide(x::SpaceObject, y::SpaceObject) = collide_with(x, y)

The collide function calls collide_with which, at runtime, will inspect the types of its arguments and dispatch to the appropriate implementation.

Julia was created with multiple dispatch as a first-class citizen, it is used liberally in its ecosystem. C++ does not have access to such a feature natively, but there are alternatives that I will be presenting in this article, and try to justify there uses and limitations.

Single dispatch

The native way to perform dynamic dispatch in C++ is through the use of virtual methods, which allows an object to override the behaviour of one of its super-classes' method.

Invoking a virtual method will perform single dispatch, on the dynamic type of the object who's method is being called.

Here is an example:

struct SpaceObject {
    // Pure virtual method, which must be overridden by non-abstract sub-classes
    virtual void impact() = 0;

struct Asteroid {
    // Override the method for asteroid impacts
    void impact() override {
        std::cout << "Bang!\n";

struct Spaceship {
    // Override the method for spaceship impacts
    void impact() override {
        std::cout << "Crash!\n";

int main() {
    std::unique_ptr<SpaceObject> object = std::make_unique<Spaceship>();
    object->impact(); // Prints "Crash!"

    object = std::make_unique<Asteroid>();
    object->impact(); // Prints "Bang!"

Virtual methods are great when you want to represent a common set of behaviour (an interface), and be able to substitute various types with their specific implementation.

For example, a dummy file-system interface might look like the following:

struct Filesystem {
    virtual void write(std::string_view filename, std::span<char> data) = 0;
    virtual std::vector<char> read(std::string_view filename) = 0;
    virtual void delete(std::string_view filename) = 0;

You can then write PosixFilesystem which makes use of the POSIX API and interact with actual on-disk data, MockFilesystem which only works in-memory and can be used for testing, etc...

Double dispatch through the Visitor pattern

Sometimes single dispatch is not enough, such as in the collision example at the beginning of this article. In cases where a computation depends on the dynamic type of two of its values, we can make use of double-dispatch by leveraging the Visitor design pattern. This is done by calling a virtual method on the first value, which itself will call a virtual method on the second value.

Here's a commentated example:

struct Asteroid;
struct Spaceship;

struct SpaceObject {
    // Only used to kick-start the double-dispatch process
    virtual void collide_with(SpaceObject& other) = 0;

    // The actual dispatching methods
    virtual void collide_with(Asteroid& other) = 0;
    virtual void collide_with(Spaceship& other) = 0;

struct Asteroid {
    void collide_with(SpaceObject& other) override {
        // `*this` is an `Asteroid&` which kick-starts the double-dispatch

    void collide_with(Asteroid& other) override {
        // Asteroid/Asteroid
    void collide_with(Spaceship& other) override {
        // Asteroid/Spaceship

struct Spaceship {
    void collide_with(SpaceObject& other) override {
        // `*this` is a `Spaceship&` which kick-starts the double-dispatch

    void collide_with(Asteroid& other) override {
        // Spaceship/Asteroid
    void collide_with(Spaceship& other) override {
        // Spaceship/Spaceship

void collide(SpaceObject& first, SpaceObject& second) {

int main() {
    auto asteroid = std::make_unique<Asteroid>();
    auto spaceship = std::make_unique<Spaceship>();

    collide(*asteroid, *spaceship);
    // Calls in order:
    // - Asteroid::collide_with(SpaceObject&)
    // - Spaceship::collide_with(Asteroid&)

    collide(*spaceship, *asteroid);
    // Calls in order:
    // - Spaceship::collide_with(SpaceObject&)
    // - Asteroid::collide_with(Spaceship&)

    // Only calls Asteroid::collide_with(Spaceship&)

    // Only calls Spaceship::collide_with(Asteroid&)

Double dispatch is pattern is most commonly used with the visitor pattern, in which a closed class hierarchy (the data) is separated from an open class hierarchy (the algorithms acting on that data). This is especially useful in e.g: compilers, where the AST class hierarchy represents the data only, and all compiler stages and optimization passes are programmed by a series of visitors.

One downside of this approach is that if you want to add SpaceStation as a sub-class of SpaceObject, and handle its collisions with other SpaceObjects, you need to:

  • Implement all collide_with methods for this new class.
  • Add a new virtual method collide_with(SpaceStation&) and implement it on every sub-class.

This can be inconvenient if your class hierarchy changes often.

Multiple dispatch on a closed class hierarchy

When even double dispatch is not enough, there is a way to do multiple dispatch in standard C++, included in the STL since C++17. However unlike the previous methods I showed, this one relies on using std::variant and std::visit.

The limitation of std::variant is that you are limited to the types you can select at compile-time for the values used during your dispatch operation. You have a closed hierarchy of classes, which is the explicit list of types in your variant.

Nonetheless, if you can live with that limitation, then you have a great amount of power available to you. I have used std::visit in the past to mimic the effect of pattern matching.

In this example, I re-create the double-dispatch from the previous section:

// No need to inherit from a `SpaceObject` base class
struct Asteroid {};
struct Spaceship {};

// But the list of possible runtime *must* be enumerated at compile-time
using SpaceObject = std::variant<Asteroid, Spaceship>;

void collide(SpaceObject& first, SpaceObject& second) {
    struct CollideDispatch {
        void operator()(Asteroid& first, Asteroid& second) {
            // Asteroid/Asteroid
        void operator()(Asteroid& first, Spaceship& second) {
            // Asteroid/Spaceship
        void operator()(Spaceship& first, Asteroid& second) {
            // Spaceship/Asteroid
        void operator()(Spaceship& first, Spaceship& second) {
            // Spaceship/Spaceship

    std::visit(CollideDispatch(), first, second);

int main() {
    SpaceObject asteroid = Asteroid();
    SpaceObject spaceship = Spaceship();

    collide(asteroid, spaceship);
    // Calls CollideDispatch::operator()(Asteroid&, Spaceship&)

    collide(spaceship, asteroid);
    // Calls CollideDispatch::operator()(Spaceship&, Asteroid&)

Obviously, the issue with adding a new SpaceStation variant is once again apparent in this implementation. You will get a compile error unless you handle this new SpaceStation variant at every point you visit the SpaceObjects.

The Expression Problem

One issue we have not been able to move past in these exemples is the Expression Problem. In two words, this means that we can't add a new data type (e.g: SpaceStation), or a new operation (e.g: land_on) to our current code without re-compiling it.

This is the downside I was pointing out in our previous sections:

  • Data type extension: one can easily add a new SpaceObject child-class in the OOP version, but needs to modify each implementation if we want to add a new method to the SpaceObject interface to implement a new operation.
  • Operation extension: one can easily create a new function when using the std::variant based representation, as pattern-matching easily allows us to only handle the kinds of values we are interested in. But adding new SpaceObject variant means we need to modify and/or re-compile every std::visit call to handle the new variant.

There is currently no (good) way in standard C++ to tackle the Expression Problem. A paper (Open Multi Methods for C++) was written to propose a new language feature to improve the situation. However it looks quite complex, and never got followed up on for standardization.

In the mean-time, one can find some libraries (like yomm2) that reduce the amount of boiler-plate needed to emulate this feature.