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2024-06-30 13:35:08 +02:00
title: "Trie"
date: 2024-06-30T11:07:49+01:00
draft: false # I don't care for draft mode, git has branches for that
description: "A cool map"
- algorithms
- data structures
- python
- programming
- Cool algorithms
favorite: false
disable_feed: false
This time, let's talk about the [_Trie_][wiki], which is a tree-based mapping
structure most often used for string keys.
2024-06-30 13:36:17 +02:00
## What does it do?
A _Trie_ can be used to map a set of string keys to their corresponding values,
without the need for a hash function. This also means you won't suffer from hash
collisions, though the tree-based structure will probably translate to slower
performance than a good hash table.
A _Trie_ is especially useful to represent a dictionary of words in the case of
spell correction, as it can easily be used to fuzzy match words under a given
edit distance (think [Levenshtein distance])
[Levenshtein distance]:
2024-06-30 13:36:42 +02:00
## Implementation
This implementation will be in Python for exposition purposes, even though
it already has a built-in `dict`.
### Representation
Creating a new `Trie` is easy: the root node starts off empty and without any
mapped values.
class Trie[T]:
_children: dict[str, Trie[T]]
_value: T | None
def __init__(self):
# Each letter is mapped to a Trie
self._children = defaultdict(Trie)
# If we match a full string, we store the mapped value
self._value = None
We're using a `defaultdict` for the children for ease of implementation in this
post. In reality, I would encourage you exit early when you can't match a given
The string key will be implicit by the position of a node in the tree: the empty
string at the root, one-character strings as its direct children, etc...
2024-06-30 13:37:04 +02:00
### Search
An exact match look-up is easily done: we go down the tree until we've exhausted
the key. At that point we've either found a mapped value or not.
def get(self, key: str) -> T | None:
# Have we matched the full key?
if not key:
# Store the `T` if mapped, `None` otherwise
return self._value
# Otherwise, recurse on the child corresponding to the first letter
return self._children[key[0]].get(key[1:])
2024-06-30 13:37:21 +02:00
### Insertion
Adding a new value to the _Trie_ is similar to a key lookup, only this time we
store the new value instead of returning it.
def insert(self, key: str, value: T) -> bool:
# Have we matched the full key?
if not key:
# Check whether we're overwriting a previous mapping
was_mapped = self._value is None
# Store the corresponding value
self._value = value
# Return whether we've performed an overwrite
return was_mapped
# Otherwise, recurse on the child corresponding to the first letter
return self._children[key[0]].insert(key[1:], value)
2024-06-30 13:37:48 +02:00
### Removal
Removal should also look familiar.
def remove(self, key: str) -> bool:
# Have we matched the full key?
if not key:
was_mapped = self._value is None
# Remove the value
self._value = None
# Return whether it was mapped
return was_mapped
# Otherwise, recurse on the child corresponding to the first letter
return self._children[key[0]].remove(key[1:])
2024-06-30 13:38:01 +02:00
### Fuzzy matching
Fuzzily matching a given word is where the real difficulty is: the key is to
realize we can use the prefix-tree nature of a _Trie_ to avoid doing wasteful
By leveraging the prefix visit order of the tree, we can build an iterative
Levenshtein distance matrix, in much the same way one would do so in its
[Dynamic Programming] implementation (see the [Wagner-Fisher algorithm]).
[Dynamic Programming]:
[Wagner-Fisher algorithm]:
class FuzzyResult[T](NamedTuple):
distance: int
key: str
value: T
def get_fuzzy(self, key: str, max_distance: int = 0) -> Iterator[FuzzyResult[T]]:
def helper(
current_word: str,
node: Trie[T],
previous_row: list[int],
) -> Iterator[tuple[int, T]]:
# Iterative Levenshtein
current_row = [previous_row[0] + 1]
current_char = current_word[-1]
for column, key_char in enumerate(key, start=1):
insertion = current_row[column - 1] + 1
deletion = previous_row[column] + 1
replacement = previous_row[column - 1] + (key_char != current_char)
current_row.append(min(insertion, deletion, replacement))
# If we are under the max distance, match this node
if (distance := current_row[-1]) <= max_distance and node._value != None:
# Only if it has a value of course
yield FuzzyResult(distance, current_word, node._value)
# If we can potentially still match children, recurse
if min(current_row) <= max_distance:
for c, child in node._children.items():
yield from helper(current_word + c, child, current_row)
# Build the first row -- the edit distance from the empty string
row = list(range(len(key) + 1))
# Base case for the empty string
if (distance := row[-1]) <= max_distance and self._value != None:
yield FuzzyResult(distance, "", self._value)
for c, child in self._children.items():
yield from helper(c, child, row)