#!/usr/bin/env python from dataclasses import dataclass from enum import IntEnum from typing import List, NamedTuple class ParameterMode(IntEnum): POSITION = 0 # Acts on address IMMEDIATE = 1 # Acts on the immediate value class Instruction(NamedTuple): address: int # The address of the instruction, for convenience op: int # The opcode p1_mode: ParameterMode # Which mode is the first parameter in p2_mode: ParameterMode # Which mode is the second parameter in p3_mode: ParameterMode # Which mode is the third parameter in def lookup_ops(index: int, memory: List[int]) -> Instruction: digits = list(map(int, str(memory[index]))) a, b, c, d, e = [0] * (5 - len(digits)) + digits # Pad with default values return Instruction( address=index, op=d * 10 + e, p1_mode=ParameterMode(c), p2_mode=ParameterMode(b), p3_mode=ParameterMode(a), ) @dataclass class Computer: memory: List[int] # Memory space rip: int = 0 # Instruction pointer def run(self): while True: instr = lookup_ops(self.rip, self.memory) if instr.op == 99: # Halt return elif instr.op == 1: # Sum self.do_addition(instr) elif instr.op == 2: # Multiplication self.do_multiplication(instr) elif instr.op == 3: # Load from input self.do_input(instr) elif instr.op == 4: # Store to output self.do_output(instr) elif instr.op == 5: # Jump if true self.do_jump_if_true(instr) elif instr.op == 6: # Jump if false self.do_jump_if_false(instr) elif instr.op == 7: # Less than self.do_less_than(instr) elif instr.op == 8: # Equal to self.do_equal_to(instr) else: assert False # Sanity check def do_addition(self, instr: Instruction) -> None: lhs, rhs, dest = self.memory[instr.address + 1 : instr.address + 4] if instr.p1_mode == ParameterMode.POSITION: lhs = self.memory[lhs] else: assert instr.p1_mode == ParameterMode.IMMEDIATE # Sanity check if instr.p2_mode == ParameterMode.POSITION: rhs = self.memory[rhs] else: assert instr.p2_mode == ParameterMode.IMMEDIATE # Sanity check assert instr.p3_mode == ParameterMode.POSITION # Sanity check self.memory[dest] = lhs + rhs self.rip += 4 # Length of the instruction def do_multiplication(self, instr: Instruction) -> None: lhs, rhs, dest = self.memory[instr.address + 1 : instr.address + 4] if instr.p1_mode == ParameterMode.POSITION: lhs = self.memory[lhs] else: assert instr.p1_mode == ParameterMode.IMMEDIATE # Sanity check if instr.p2_mode == ParameterMode.POSITION: rhs = self.memory[rhs] else: assert instr.p2_mode == ParameterMode.IMMEDIATE # Sanity check assert instr.p3_mode == ParameterMode.POSITION # Sanity check self.memory[dest] = lhs * rhs self.rip += 4 # Length of the instruction def do_input(self, instr: Instruction) -> None: value = int(input()) param = self.memory[instr.address + 1] assert instr.p1_mode == ParameterMode.POSITION # Sanity check self.memory[param] = value self.rip += 2 # Length of the instruction def do_output(self, instr: Instruction) -> None: value = self.memory[instr.address + 1] if instr.p1_mode == ParameterMode.POSITION: value = self.memory[value] else: assert instr.p1_mode == ParameterMode.IMMEDIATE # Sanity check print(value) self.rip += 2 # Length of the instruction def do_jump_if_true(self, instr: Instruction) -> None: cond, value = self.memory[instr.address + 1 : instr.address + 3] if instr.p1_mode == ParameterMode.POSITION: cond = self.memory[cond] else: assert instr.p1_mode == ParameterMode.IMMEDIATE # Sanity check if instr.p2_mode == ParameterMode.POSITION: value = self.memory[value] else: assert instr.p2_mode == ParameterMode.IMMEDIATE # Sanity check if cond != 0: self.rip = value else: self.rip += 3 # Length of the instruction def do_jump_if_false(self, instr: Instruction) -> None: cond, value = self.memory[instr.address + 1 : instr.address + 3] if instr.p1_mode == ParameterMode.POSITION: cond = self.memory[cond] else: assert instr.p1_mode == ParameterMode.IMMEDIATE # Sanity check if instr.p2_mode == ParameterMode.POSITION: value = self.memory[value] else: assert instr.p2_mode == ParameterMode.IMMEDIATE # Sanity check if cond == 0: self.rip = value else: self.rip += 3 # Length of the instruction def do_less_than(self, instr: Instruction) -> None: lhs, rhs, dest = self.memory[instr.address + 1 : instr.address + 4] if instr.p1_mode == ParameterMode.POSITION: lhs = self.memory[lhs] else: assert instr.p1_mode == ParameterMode.IMMEDIATE # Sanity check if instr.p2_mode == ParameterMode.POSITION: rhs = self.memory[rhs] else: assert instr.p2_mode == ParameterMode.IMMEDIATE # Sanity check assert instr.p3_mode == ParameterMode.POSITION # Sanity check self.memory[dest] = 1 if lhs < rhs else 0 self.rip += 4 # Length of the instruction def do_equal_to(self, instr: Instruction) -> None: lhs, rhs, dest = self.memory[instr.address + 1 : instr.address + 4] if instr.p1_mode == ParameterMode.POSITION: lhs = self.memory[lhs] else: assert instr.p1_mode == ParameterMode.IMMEDIATE # Sanity check if instr.p2_mode == ParameterMode.POSITION: rhs = self.memory[rhs] else: assert instr.p2_mode == ParameterMode.IMMEDIATE # Sanity check assert instr.p3_mode == ParameterMode.POSITION # Sanity check self.memory[dest] = 1 if lhs == rhs else 0 self.rip += 4 # Length of the instruction def main() -> None: with open("input") as mem_f: memory = [int(n) for n in mem_f.read().split(",")] computer = Computer(memory) computer.run() if __name__ == "__main__": main()