#!/usr/bin/env python import sys from collections import Counter from enum import StrEnum class Color(StrEnum): RED = "red" GREEN = "green" BLUE = "blue" Round = Counter[Color] Game = list[Round] # The input is in order without skipping, but just in case... GameRecord = dict[int, Game] BAG_CONTENTS = Counter( { Color.RED: 12, Color.GREEN: 13, Color.BLUE: 14, } ) def solve(input: list[str]) -> int: def parse_round(round: str) -> Round: values = (value.split(" ") for value in round.split(", ")) return Counter({Color(c): int(n) for n, c in values}) # This does *not* expect the "Game <int>:" bit def parse_game(game: str) -> Game: rounds = game.split("; ") return [parse_round(r) for r in rounds] def parse_line(line: str) -> tuple[int, Game]: game_id, rounds = line.split(": ") return int(game_id.removeprefix("Game ")), parse_game(rounds) def parse(input: list[str]) -> GameRecord: parsed = map(parse_line, input) return {id: game for id, game in parsed} def game_is_valid(game: Game) -> bool: for round in game: for c in Color: if round[c] > BAG_CONTENTS[c]: return False return True games = parse(input) return sum(id for id, game in games.items() if game_is_valid(game)) def main() -> None: input = sys.stdin.read().splitlines() print(solve(input)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()