2019: d24: ex1: add solution

This commit is contained in:
Bruno BELANYI 2024-12-27 15:40:53 -05:00
parent 3b038197ac
commit fc82aa39d9

2019/d24/ex1/ex1.py Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
import itertools
import sys
from collections.abc import Iterator
from typing import NamedTuple
class Point(NamedTuple):
x: int
y: int
def neighbours(self) -> Iterator["Point"]:
for dx, dy in (
(-1, 0),
(1, 0),
(0, -1),
(0, 1),
yield Point(self.x + dx, self.y + dy)
DIMS = 5
def solve(input: str) -> int:
def parse(input: list[str]) -> frozenset[Point]:
return frozenset(
Point(x, y)
for x, line in enumerate(input)
for y, c in enumerate(line)
if c == "#"
def step(bugs: frozenset[Point]) -> frozenset[Point]:
res: set[Point] = set()
for p in map(Point._make, itertools.product(range(DIMS), range(DIMS))):
neighbours = len(set(p.neighbours()) & bugs)
# Bug dies if not exactly one neighbour
if p in bugs and neighbours != 1:
# An empty space stays empty if it doesn't have 1 or 2 neighbours
if p not in bugs and neighbours not in (1, 2):
return frozenset(res)
def biodiversity(bugs: frozenset[Point]) -> int:
res = 0
for x, y in itertools.product(range(DIMS), range(DIMS)):
res |= (Point(x, y) in bugs) << (x * DIMS + y)
return res
bugs = parse(input.splitlines())
layouts: set[frozenset[Point]] = set()
while True:
bugs = step(bugs)
if bugs in layouts:
return biodiversity(bugs)
assert False # Sanity check
def main() -> None:
input = sys.stdin.read()
if __name__ == "__main__":