2022: d08: ex2: add solution

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Bruno BELANYI 2022-12-08 08:19:28 +01:00
parent 8b63d66750
commit f6fbf6d6e6
1 changed files with 60 additions and 0 deletions

2022/d08/ex2/ex2.py Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
import dataclasses
import sys
from collections.abc import Iterator
class Point:
x: int
y: int
def solve(input: list[list[int]]) -> int:
def up(p: Point) -> Iterator[Point]:
x = p.x
while (x := x - 1) >= 0:
yield Point(x, p.y)
def down(p: Point) -> Iterator[Point]:
x = p.x
while (x := x + 1) < len(input):
yield Point(x, p.y)
def left(p: Point) -> Iterator[Point]:
y = p.y
while (y := y - 1) >= 0:
yield Point(p.x, y)
def right(p: Point) -> Iterator[Point]:
y = p.y
while (y := y + 1) < len(input[0]):
yield Point(p.x, y)
def visible_trees(p: Point, neighbours: Iterator[Point]) -> Iterator[Point]:
height = input[p.x][p.y]
for n in neighbours:
yield n
if height <= input[n.x][n.y]:
def score(p: Point) -> int:
score = 1
for neighbours in (up, down, left, right):
score *= len(list(visible_trees(p, neighbours(p))))
return score
scores = [
[score(Point(x, y)) for y in range(len(input[x]))] for x in range(len(input))
return max(map(max, scores))
def main() -> None:
input = [[int(c) for c in line] for line in sys.stdin.read().splitlines()]
if __name__ == "__main__":