2018: d07: ex2: add solution

This commit is contained in:
Bruno BELANYI 2024-12-29 17:54:43 -05:00
parent 2d8d834e7d
commit 74c97e2b2f

2018/d07/ex2/ex2.py Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import NamedTuple
class Point(NamedTuple):
x: int
y: int
def solve(input: str) -> int:
def parse(input: list[str]) -> dict[str, set[str]]:
graph: dict[str, set[str]] = defaultdict(set)
for line in input:
split = line.split()
prev, after = split[1], split[7]
graph[prev] # Ensure that all nodes are in the dictionary
return graph
def job_done(graph: dict[str, set[str]], job: str) -> None:
assert not graph.pop(job) # Sanity check
for node in graph:
def next_job(graph: dict[str, set[str]], ongoing: list[str]) -> str | None:
return min(
(n for n, deps in graph.items() if not deps and n not in ongoing),
def assemble(graph: dict[str, set[str]], additional_time: int, workers: int) -> int:
res = 0
worker_time = [0] * workers
worker_jobs = [""] * workers
while graph:
# Step to the next worker, ignoring idle workers, with a default for the first step
dt = min((t for t in worker_time if t > 0), default=0)
res += dt
worker_time = [max(0, t - dt) for t in worker_time]
for i in range(workers):
if worker_time[i] != 0:
if worker_jobs[i] != "":
job_done(graph, worker_jobs[i])
worker_jobs[i] = ""
if (job := next_job(graph, worker_jobs)) is None:
worker_time[i] = additional_time + ord(job) - ord("A") + 1
worker_jobs[i] = job
assert all(j == "" for j in worker_jobs) # Sanity check
assert all(t == 0 for t in worker_time) # Sanity check
return res
graph = parse(input.splitlines())
return assemble(graph, 60, 5)
def main() -> None:
input = sys.stdin.read()
if __name__ == "__main__":