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2023-12-10 13:48:09 +01:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
from import Iterator
from enum import Enum, StrEnum
from typing import NamedTuple, Optional
class Point(NamedTuple):
x: int
y: int
class Direction(Enum):
NORTH = Point(-1, 0)
SOUTH = Point(1, 0)
WEST = Point(0, -1)
EAST = Point(0, 1)
def apply(self, pos: "Point") -> "Point":
dx, dy = self.value
return Point(pos.x + dx, pos.y + dy)
class Pipe(StrEnum):
SW_BEND = "7"
def from_connection(cls, connections: dict[Direction, bool]) -> "Pipe":
assert sum(connections.values()) == 2 # Sanity check
if connections.get(Direction.NORTH, False):
if connections.get(Direction.SOUTH, False):
return cls.VERTICAL
if connections.get(Direction.EAST, False):
return cls.NE_BEND
if connections.get(Direction.WEST, False):
return cls.NW_BEND
if connections.get(Direction.SOUTH, False):
if connections.get(Direction.WEST, False):
return cls.SW_BEND
if connections.get(Direction.EAST, False):
return cls.SE_BEND
assert connections[Direction.WEST] and connections[Direction.EAST]
return cls.HORIZONTAL
def neighbours(self, pos: Point) -> Iterator[Point]:
deltas: tuple[Direction, Direction]
match self:
case self.VERTICAL:
deltas = (Direction.NORTH, Direction.SOUTH)
case self.HORIZONTAL:
deltas = (Direction.WEST, Direction.EAST)
case self.NE_BEND:
deltas = (Direction.NORTH, Direction.EAST)
case self.NW_BEND:
deltas = (Direction.NORTH, Direction.WEST)
case self.SW_BEND:
deltas = (Direction.SOUTH, Direction.WEST)
case self.SE_BEND:
deltas = (Direction.SOUTH, Direction.EAST)
for dir in deltas:
yield dir.apply(pos)
def go_through(self, pos: Point, prev: Point) -> Point:
for dest in self.neighbours(pos):
if dest == prev:
return dest
assert False # Sanity check
Pipes = dict[Point, Pipe]
def solve(input: list[str]) -> int:
def parse(input: list[str]) -> tuple[Point, Pipes]:
start: Optional[Point] = None
pipes: Pipes = {}
for x, line in enumerate(input):
for y, c in enumerate(line):
if c == ".":
if c == "S":
start = Point(x, y)
pipes[Point(x, y)] = Pipe(c)
assert start is not None # Sanity check
return start, pipes
def iter_pipe(cur: Point, start: Point, pipes: Pipes) -> Iterator[Point]:
prev = start
while True:
if cur == start:
if cur not in pipes:
# Check that the receiving pipe is connected to previous one
if prev not in pipes[cur].neighbours(cur):
yield cur
cur, prev = pipes[cur].go_through(cur, prev), cur
# Yield the loop element
if cur == start:
yield cur
# Return the possible pipes that start can be
def resolve_start(start: Point, pipes: Pipes) -> Pipe:
# Returns the direction which closes the loop, if there is one
def explore(dir: Direction) -> Optional[Direction]:
points = list(iter_pipe(dir.apply(start), start, pipes))
if len(points) == 0:
return None
penultimate, last = points[-2], points[-1]
if last != start:
return None
return Direction(Point(penultimate.x - last.x, penultimate.y - last.y))
res: set[Pipe] = set()
for dir in Direction:
if (resulting_dir := explore(dir)) is None:
res.add(Pipe.from_connection({dir: True, resulting_dir: True}))
assert len(res) == 1 # Instructions say there is exactly one loop
return res.pop()
def compute_dist(start: Point, pipes: Pipes) -> dict[Point, int]:
res = {start: 0}
for n in pipes[start].neighbours(start):
for d, p in enumerate(iter_pipe(n, start, pipes), start=1):
res[p] = min(d, res.get(p, d))
return res
start, pipes = parse(input)
pipes[start] = resolve_start(start, pipes)
return max(compute_dist(start, pipes).values())
def main() -> None:
input =
if __name__ == "__main__":